Sunday, June 9, 2013

How To Promote Your Business

While purchasing SEO services for your website can be rather expensive, there are plenty of other free ways to promote business. You should always think of innovative ways to advertise what you are selling. It could be as simple as mentioning your services in a conversation with someone, or even going up to strangers who you think might need what you are selling. Let's say you are at a concert which you know will be filled of music lovers alike, it would be a perfect opportunity for you to go up to others and promote what you are all about. I've recently been on a promo-trip and have added other ways I promote my business, including adding a vinyl sign onto my car with my website URL on it. Who knows who will see the sign!

If you want to get one of these for your car or other surfaces you can email, let her know that CJ Beatz sent you and you will receive the buddy discount!

Friday, June 7, 2013

How to sell beats using Twitter

What's Up My Fellow Producers/Beat-makers! I've been selling beats online using various techniques over the years, and wanted to share with you a great way of selling your beats using twitter. Not getting alot of traffic from search engines? Step up your game, get more traffic to your website and therefore sell more beats. You can't be lazy and expect to sell beats online, that wont happen. You really have to give it your all and go in hard with your promotion. The more links you create to your website the better. The tutorial video below will show you how easy it is to find beat buyers on twitter and how to utilize twitter to get you the right type of traffic with people that are looking to buy beats online.

Monday, June 3, 2013

What is leasing a beat? The difference between leasing and buying beats exclusively.

I get asked this question alot! - What is leasing a beat?

The term "lease" means - "A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent." In other words, I'm allowing you to use my beat for commercial use but with limitations and for a fee. Leasing beats is perfect if you are an up and coming artist and still want to be able to get high quality original music production for your mixtape or demo. Let's face it, not all of us have the type of money to only buy beats exclusively; which brings me into the explanation of an exclusive purchase of a beat. If you are a well established artist and you have the funds to purchase beats exclusively because you know will make a profit from your investments, by all means go a ahead and purchase the beat('s) exclusively. You should ask yourself, if you are intending on using the beat('s) to make a profit or just put out free music. If you are just putting out free mixtapes to create some buzz, there is no need to buy beats exclusively. Save your money just simply lease a beat. Many producers online are providing beat buyers with all sorts of agreements to use their beats. Today you can find thousands of hip hop instrumentals and beats all over the internet. Good luck out there finding the right beat for your next project! Also consider visiting: to lease or buy your next beat! All the best, Chris J. CJ Beatz Productions