While purchasing SEO services for your website can be rather expensive, there are plenty of other free ways to promote business.
You should always think of innovative ways to advertise what you are selling. It could be as simple as mentioning your services in a conversation with someone, or even going up to strangers who you think might need what you are selling. Let's say you are at a concert which you know will be filled of music lovers alike, it would be a perfect opportunity for you to go up to others and promote what you are all about.
I've recently been on a promo-trip and have added other ways I promote my business, including adding a vinyl sign onto my car with my website URL on it. Who knows who will see the sign!
If you want to get one of these for your car or other surfaces you can email jace1127@gmail.com, let her know that CJ Beatz sent you and you will receive the buddy discount!