Are you having trouble making your first sales?
Are you sending all sorts of traffic to your beat player and your still not making any money?
Here are a few tips that might help you in making those first necessary sales that will determine the success of your online business:
1. Check your prices!!If you never sold a beat over the net, and are trying to sell leases for like $50.00, and exclusive's for like $250-500, no one will buy them! Remember your not known like Timbaland. ;) When I first started with my website ( I had my leases and exclusives up for those high amounts, and guess what...I did not make any sales what so ever, until I lowered my prices. I say anything around $10.00 for a lease and $25 - $35 for exclusive beats is acceptable to start off with. The key is not to go to low. If a potential customers sees that your selling you leases for a couple of bucks, they are not going to think highly of you, and think twice about buying your beats.
2. Put your best beats at the top of the player!! When a potential customer comes to listen to your beats, what do they see first? The beats on top, right? So, make sure that your best work is on the top, this will help grab the attention of the customer more, and they will be more willing to continue listening.
Also, if you are using "myFlashStore" (which, by the way, is a fantastic tool to sell your beats with) be sure to enable the "autoplay" function on what you think is your hottest beat on the player. You want to make sure that you can grab the attention of your potential customer the second they enter your website!
Learn More About This Beat-Selling-Machine:
3. You need to build a client base before you can raise your prices!! Once you have a client base (people regarded as previous customers) of about 10-15 people, it's extremely important to remember to stay in contact with them, because they are more willing to buy a beat from you than someone who hasn't purchased a beat form you before.
4. Add value!! I can't mention this enough. When you contact a previous customer be sure to add some information that they might seem valuable. For example, if you are contacting a rapper that bought beats from you in the past, to let him know that you uploaded some new beats, figure out where he is geographically located from your previous paypal receipts, and look online to see if there are any open-mic events going on around his/her area, and let him/her know about them. He/She will appreciate this because it is free information that he might find useful. Most importantly, he/she will remember that YOU provided this potentially useful information. Now you have successfully added value to your customers life. Believe me, this is a major key in running a successful business. This does not only apply in beat leasing market but this concept is used in all industries! This is just one of my ideas, but you can see where I'm going with this. Be creative, let yourself get inspired to come up with new ways of addind value to your customers life!
5. Search the forums for artists hungry for beats!!There are hundreds of forums online, where thousands of rappers/singers communicate on a daily basis. Most of these forum websites, that are related to our HipHop/Rap/R&B community, have a section where you can showcase your beats. Artists from around the globe are always looking for new production, you just have to be aware of where your target-market is hanging out.
Here are some forums that I found really useful: | |
Remember, be part of the conversations on these forums! Do not just blatantly spam the whole site. They will quickly ban you if they suspect spamming. So be careful out there. Don't give yourself a bad rep ;)
I hope I was able to help some of you out, feel free to contact me anytime if ya'll have any questions.
I wish you guys all the best, and much success in 2010 and the upcoming years!
Chris J.
CJ Beatz Productions
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